Create balance and ease in your daily LIFE… MINDFULLY living among the beautiful chaos and finding the joy to live well
~essentially to Be a good human, Live joyfully, & Be Well~
We ARE SURROUNDED BY BUSY-NESS, LIVING in a fast paced uncertain world. People to see, things to do, places to be, diapers to change, dinners to cook, kids demands and activities, plans, deadlines, holiday's, laundry, eek furnace broke, more expectations to attend weddings-baby showers- bachelorettes-birthday parties, oh and did I mention more laundry? (JUST THINKING ABOUT IT MAKES ME EXHAUSTED!)... We’re either sleep deprived, malnourished, gaining unwanted weight, losing energy, lost passion and fulfillment for life, loading ourselves up with toxins, filling the void with junk food, booze or all of the above, and/or waiting for the clock, only to start the next day all over again {Reminds me if that movie Groundhog Day or a rendition of Pinky and the Brain trying for another day yet again}..
Believe me, you are not alone! I am too guilty of getting caught up in the cycle continuously... so YUP, it's totally Human.
BUT WAIT A MINUTE...... IS THIS WHAT life is intended to be???
Although some days may feel like we are stuck, we get caught up in our human mind. It isn't natural to always be surrounded in constant busy-ness, panic, worry, fear, negativity, doubt, anxiety and chaos ALL the time... And although we sometimes may get stuck in this tragic cycle, We must tune in and connect to our Truth. Yes, that means hitting the PAUSE BUTTON.
We all deserve to take a moment to…
Take a deep breath
Proceed or I like to use Plan with intention
(I currently have STOP signs posted around my house as a gentle reminder!) This is the key to unlocking Mindful awareness that has helped me and my family tremendously.
Bliss, as the Yogi's refer to as "Ananda”, evolves once you get really good at “STOP”-ing and start listening to what is already within, peace washes over you like a harmonious bath, life grows with more ease, and you feel replenished once again. And yes, You will be forgiven if you give yourself some time to just BREATHE and Be..
(seriously).... Deeeeeeep inhalation...
Deeeeeep exhalation.... Phew! Now doesn’t that feel better!?
Life can no doubt be challenging, but doesn’t ALWAYS have to be….
WE CAN FIND A WAY TO TAP INTO balance. TRUE HEALING begins bY finding meaning, mindFul momeNts of JOY IN OUR LIVES, and embracing the simplicity life Offers. . . LIFE can truly be filled with JOY, HAPPINESS, AND AN AWAKENING OF ENERGY WHEN YOU ARE OPEN AND WILLING TO RECEIVE it. Its Just a matter of shifting our perspective and intentions.
Finding balance and staying mindful in Life is important in order to keep your Mind Body + Soul in Sync. I know that it's all too easy to fall into that trap and feel like the World is sucking energy from you. We are so worried about everyone and everything else (the external; distractions) that sometimes we forget to look within (become internalized) and take care of thee most important person of all
I get it. Life can be challenging and exhausting for sure! Believe me, as a mom of 2, high demands from building multiple businesses, and being a human in society can take a toll on our energy and I get all about putting others needs before my own. I can completely empathize with the insanity among the busy days and feeling drained..I call it my "Beautiful Chaos". But YOU CAN’T FORGET ABOUT YOURSELF! I "selflessly" make time for ME! My family understands and respects my time and I encourage you to do the same! We must become mindful to be the gentle observer to it all and then see the benefit of filling ourselves up first and foremost.
Ever hear the saying....
Well, you can’t spread any peace if it is not apart of you first AND....
"You cannot take from a well that is empty".
We certainly can’t take care of anyone else until we are willing and able to…mentally, emotionally, and physically....
It’s essential to find Balance.
Mind. Body. Beyond.
Nourishing your body, your Vessel, with the proper nourishment, having a mindfully healthy and active lifestyle, creating and expressing your truest most inner desires and passions, moving along with the current of Life by finding your flow, and aligning your Truth will give yourself a complete sense of freedom and create an openness, oneness, and energy that YOU DESERVE which will RADIATE into your entire existence!
what resonates with you?
embrace thee art of living
My LOVE for helping others, through my own EXPERIENCES, passions, and visions HAVE evolved & blossomed. I SHARE WITH YOU MY many CREATIVE TECHNIQUES & TOOLS, SPIRITUAL AND PRACTICAL, FOR LIVING AMONG THE BUSY-NESS OF OUR BEAUTIFUL CHAOS WITHOUT BURNING OUT… instead to ignite our inner flame by TUNING In… TAKING TIME TO NURTURE OURSELVES is essential.
All components are integrated as apart of my own personal lifestyle to achieve overall wellness and happiness. Without any of them I would be a total hot mess! Believe me! I know what it's like to ride the Roller coaster of Life. My many obstacles along my own personal journey, especially motherhood, are my greatest lessons and my children are my greatest teachers.
My passion is to help others CREATE balance in THEIR Health and well-being and find their inner BLISS. Where we can tap into our inner truth and find what makes us connect on a deeper level with ourselves and beyond. Vibing on a higher vibration together!
It’s our Universal Law of Truth to be HAPPY, JOYFUL, & GRATEFUL (OUR DHARMA). I truly hope you will incorporate at least a few of these INTEGRATIVE TIPS & TECHNIQUES, I SHARE WITH YOU, into your daily LIFE AS SOIL to allow your SOUL TO FLOURISH! love blossoms…
ITS THE Gift of Self-Care, Self-Love, Self-Healing...
Develop a greater awareness for wellness and witness the improvement of the physical and emotional benefits. Once we truly commit to a routine and practice, it physiologically creates a response in our brain, stimulating those feel good signals to do more! Once we decide to put ourselves first...when we exercise, meditate, and eat good nutritious food there's this response of pleasure seeking hormone's that notice that this feels good for us and craves more! With the many integrative holistic modalities available, we can redirect the bad habits with positive healing to encourage overall Well-Being, which all begins with Self-Love and Self-Care...
“Be the person you intend to be. When we fall down, that is when it is most important to rise up. Shine your true colors in times of struggle, this is where the magic happens and the lessons are learned. It’s in the moments of pain and strife that make us stronger. When you take time to practice moments of peace and balance, you are in deep gratitude for the true state of bliss and awareness in your Life. The good and the bad become clear. Shine your light, even when in the dark.”
“When you begin to fall in love with the change within yourself you will watch yourself blossom into the person you were always intended to become.”
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Give back to help those closest to you become happier and healthier, especially in a time of constant distraction, busy chaos, and being too blinded from our inner truth. Feel free to forward this Inspirational blog to friends, family members, neighbors, or colleagues who could also take a moment to be inspired and benefit from it. :) And join The Mindful Newsletter for your dose of inspiration—mind.body.&beyond!
““One of the main reasons that we lose our enthusiasm in life is because we become ungrateful..we let what was once a miracle become common to us. We get so accustomed to this goodness it becomes a routine..”
Please feel free to browse around and see what keeps me breathing for more... With helpful tips along the way!
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Ready to take the next step to finding balance?
You will be surprised by what you are capable of achieving. Connect with me to dive into the Soil, Plant those seeds in the deep layers of consciousness, and tune in to create overall Well-being in your Life.