This is for those that are struggling to make it by, yet still live in gratitude for what's been given under the circumstances. Tonight I was able to share an experience to help others, with my friend Sarah, who are supported by the Pluckemin Church through IHN, helping families without a home to have a warm safe place to sleep. I had the honor of hearing one of the moms stories and it's so relatable because we all have in some way dealt with some kind of struggle. Sometimes we may feel disappointed or like life is not good enough, we compare ourselves to others situations rather than respect and honor where we are in the moment, some may justify "things" as making ourselves happy, we have that internal battle of wishing for something grander... It's great to have dreams and aspirations, believe me, I am always dreaming. But the reality of it all boils down to a few simple principles...embrace the present, live in gratitude and do things with love. Without these few things no one will ever operate from a giving place and without the gift of giving, no one will ever truly receive. Embrace your own personal struggle by giving a helping hand for those that really could use it...If you are having a rough holiday season, come from the place of selflessly giving and you will awaken to what truly matters deep down.
Live in forgiveness….
Isn't this so true? Sometimes we hold onto our past (or our past holds onto us) because we can't just simply let go. Live in a place of forgiveness and you will learn that life becomes much easier and you will feel free.............
Clear Vision, Test Yourself
There are times we want to react, we all have them, but what we've been trying to teach our older daughter (who can sometimes be very dramatic lol) is that we have the choice in our reactions... "How does it make you feel?" It's easy to react, it's easy to get angry, sad, frustrated, and then play the blame game... taking that feeling or emotion out on someone else, the true test to finding peace is breathing in that moment and being mindful to the fact that this is "just a reaction" or the awareness that "this is just a feeling of energy", now how do I find the solution? You have the choice as to how you truly want to react. Do you choose to spend your day pissed off, living in that reoccurring situation in your mind, or do you choose to release the ego, let go of the story your've created, and find yourself overcome in a way that makes you feel at peace? Test this concept the next time someone ticks you off, it's challenging but really refreshing when you look at it from a clear vision.
Power Thought~
Learning to love yourself and appreciate yourself no matter where you are in your journey, it's one of the hardest but most appreciative, embrace this very moment, don't judge it, look beyond the image and search within, we are all so powerful yet forget that power we have to honor it and shine. We all have challenges, obstacles, problems, but truly finding time to focus on the place of just existing and being..priceless
Soul Search Saturday~
Find the stillness within and see what your mind.body.soul is expressing to you, just listen and be still…you will be surprised how loud that inner voice is crying out to you but you've just been too busy to truly hear what it's been telling you all along….
Power Thought of the Day~
Power Thought of the Day….
I Turn Every Experience into an Opportunity.
Each problem has a solution. All experiences are opportunities for me to learn and grow. I am safe.
~Louise Hay