Change Your Perspective

Change your Thinking

We are all created of a Universal Energy. 
Energy is in all things, our entire existence consists of the Life force energy {Prana}. 
It is energy that gives life to our entire existence. While our organs and physical body keep us up and running, it is our energy that gives us Life. "Where your focus goes, you energy flows". Shift your perspective and you will watch your thoughts and actions begin to follow the awareness in your true spirit of being, the deep seat of our divine wisdom, shift your consciousness.

{Today is Raining} 

Instead of focusing on the rain being dreary and gloomy, focus on the manifestation beneath the ground as the rain purifies and nourishes the Earth, creating Life for Spring to grow!



Connect to Your True Essence

It can be easy to allow life to overwhelm you, like you are just going through the motions feeling helpless and BOOM! Tension is everywhere, you forget to breath. Stress takes ahold of you. You snap at those you love out of discontent. Sound way too familiar? Fully take the time to be present in each moment and movement in your Life. Don't just go through the motions. Embrace them. Just as I find the fluidity and balance on my mat, I also make a conscious effort to do so off my mat.

I encourage you to give yourself the gift of Yoga as Yoga teaches you how to connect back to your true essence, creating awareness mind|body|soul. Nourish your body with healing foods. Find your breath throughout your transitions in life. Release what no longer serves you. 

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loveblossoms erica jung

picture | erica jung | tretpa yoga

Be the Change

"Kind hearts are the gardens, kind thoughts are the roots, kind words are the flowers, kind deeds are the fruits, take care of your garden and keep out the weeds, fill it with sunshine, kind words, and kind deeds."  ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Happy Random Acts of Kindness Day !!!!!

Honor this week by opening your heart and sharing with either a loved one, someone at work, or even (gasp!) dare I say a stranger?? lol

Here's a great little thing to do to make someone you know smile :)

#RAK #RandomActsofKindness #RAKweek #loveblossoms #bethechange #payitforward #devotionalgiving #seva