You are not alone

"There are 7 billion people on this planet so there are 7 billion paths to success and happiness. Each path is personal and unique to each person. The plan is there for each one of us and all we have to do is line up with who we really are and all the success, joy, great relationships and vibrant health will come flowing to us. The problem is when we compare our path to someone else and feel that we are not measuring up or doing as well. Comparing yourself to other people and coming up short is one of the quickest ways to stop the flow of abundance that is always streaming toward you. Let everyone else have their plan and stay out of their business. Trust in the plan and path that has been laid out for YOU - it's a great one!"

MJ Durkin~

Priorities Come First


Priorities comes first, all else falls into place when you have your focus on your WHY rather than the HOW! Finding balance in all is the key to success! Small little steps of action towards following your dream, dedicated to your family, with a Whole lot of faith will take you exactly where you were always meant to be


 #dreamcatcher #loveblossoms#trustthejourney #followyourheart#myWhymakesmecry #mindovermatter#momonamission #Sahmompreneur #faith #family#business #balance #dreamondreamers

A goal without a plan is just a wish!

A goal without a plan is just a wish! Many studies have shown that those who write down their goals accomplish significantly more than those who don't.  Having a vision, creating clearly defined long and short term goals, verbally affirming that which you are seeking, and celebrating each milestone towards success will help propel you to where exactly you want to be! If you don't have a Road Map…How will you arrive at your destination? Create your map with unlimited destinations…..

The stars are literally aligned right now to help you manifest what you are seeking! Besides short and long term goals, this year I challenge you to create your DREAM VISION, your ROAD MAP to SUCCESS! Imagine if money was of no concern and you could truly do what you always wanted and only dreamed of. Write it down! Create your map! What would you be doing? Where would you be? Imagine your list could be limitless….If you don't ask…you shall never receive. If you play it small, small things will come. THINK BIG! THINK EXTRAORDINARY! The Universe is always listening….Plan ahead and then take those goals and create your road map…If you need help don't hesitate to reach out to find that vehicle that can help you arrive at your destination…..

#dreamvision #goalsetting #planaheadforyourfuture  #roadmaptosuccess #designyourlife #startyourlife  #resolutions #takeaction #dreamcatchers

You are who you surround yourself with….

These girls lift me up! Love being able to share visions and manifest dreams! Always remember to surround yourself with those that help to reignite your soul!


You can only lead the horse to water….

"Making people do what you think they ought to do does not lead toward clarity and consciousness."


Sometimes we may wish more for somebody than they want for themselves. We must let go and forgive them. You can not ever intervene with someone else's journey, you can only be the example. You will never feel true happiness and contentment if you are always trying to do for others that what they don't want bad enough to do for themselves to take action.


You can only lead the horse to water…you can not force it to drink….


‪#‎bethechangeyouwishtosee‬ ‪#‎youmakeyou‬ ‪#‎keepmovingon‬ ‪#‎theultimateyoumakesyoupossible‬ ‪#‎expandyourhorizons‬ ‪#‎balancedliving‬ `

Quote~ "The Tao of Leadership"

Creative Itch Anyone?

Anyone else getting the creative itch?


Our creative expression is so intrinsically linked to our self-worth that when we create — no matter the medium — it is far from rare for creative souls to become a little anxious about our work. “Anxiety is part of creativity, the need to get something out, the need to be rid of something or to get in touch with something within,” said David Duchovny. Saturday's Manifestation is to release the anxiety and make space for all the good to come this year, to let go and express myself through creative expression....

‪#‎blossom‬ ‪#‎askbelievereceive‬ ‪#‎manifest‬ ‪#‎balance‬ ‪#‎yingyang‬ ‪#‎transform‬