How many hands do you have?

Who else can relate??

I actually tend to work better when I have more on my plate…but if only I had more arms than so much more would get done! Lol~ Remember, sometimes you need to take a moment to breathe and embrace the moments, even among the chaos, rather than overwhelm and eventually burn out…Don't forget to schedule in some special time for yourself!!!

Relax + Reduce the Stress!

Finding balance can be so challenging sometimes..some days fly by and we forgot to even take a moment for ourselves. If you feel like these little guys in the upper right hand corner, it's crucial that you make take time to focus on a few simple things that genuinely bring peace into your day. Simply putting on my essential oils or having a chai tea can help remind me to rebalance and refocus for the day. Life should not be so stressed…Relax and Let go….Deep breaths…………….

Sometimes we need a little help to relax...my fav is putting some adaptogens into my Life! Did you know they help to reduce stress and fatigue!!? The best part is it makes my favorite shake taste like a Vanilla Chai Smoothie!

Learn more about how AMAZING nature's miracle anti-stress and fatigue fighters work! 

Mindful Tip of the Day

The direction you are heading is the path you were intended to be on…

 Your thoughts proceed your actions and your actions proceed your thoughts. Be mindful of your words because they will guide you..the Universe is always listening….

Mindful Tip of the Day

Sometimes our minds can tell us things we don't want to here..like "I can't"..or "I'm not good enough"…Clear your mind of the negativity and allow for only good thoughts to filter through…Science has proven that what you want to attract is from deep within your subconscious mind. So focusing on the bad will only create more chaos and negativity. The more you remind yourself of all the good is in your life…you can make room for all the good that is about to come. So shut out all the unnecessary thoughts and bow to your heart in gratitude for being you. We were all brought here in this body for a purpose so honor your talents and skills and embrace them passionately. Remember we are only human, we make mistakes and heal, which only makes us stronger, just make sure there is always make room for growth to become the best you possible.

Do you over breath?


Most people will "over breath" and inhale more than they exhale. Especially during times of stress, if you are not getting the proper oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange, it will make you feel out of breath and then you will try to inhale more (ie:hyperventilating). Did you know? For deeper relaxation it is actually MORE important to exhale, fully exhaling increases lung capacity giving you a deeper breath

Dana Santas, yoga expert, shares her secret to relaxation....try this exercise!