Inspired by this to paint more blossoming trees.... Between running a full time mommy show,😳 teaching yoga 3 days a week🙏🏻 building an at home business.. AND making sure to take care of me(!!!) art has kinda been pushed to the side.  Of course the vata side of me is dying to dive in and start playing during this transition in season 🎨 But...Sometimes the reality is that we must temporarily put some things aside and learn to say no, even if it's things we love to do, to find balance and not live in a state of overwhelm or unease. I keep reminding myself that "this too shall pass".... my girls are already walking examples of how fast time truly flies by...

The most important for all of us on our journey is to make sure all you do do is fulfilling you or you will feel empty...and I've definitely been giving myself lots of self love and self care through other creative outlets..

but Ugggh love when I'm in the artistic flow......

Update 2021: Here I am… reclaiming my passion once again :) I began slowly doodling on Sunday mornings as a little doodle therapy. It slowly evolved into grander visions! Stay tuned for when my seeds begin to blossom! It’s never too late to get back into what your heart is calling you to do!!!!! :) Dream Big my dreamcatchers!
