Nama means bow, as means I, and te means you. 
Therefore, namaste literally means “bow me you” or “I bow to you.”

The gesture Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. 
The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another.

If you truly think about it, we are all comprised of the same makeup as our vast Universe, atoms and molecules. We all share the same form. We, therefore, are all ONE held in the Divine. Although it can appear that are all so different, when broken down into our simplest form, we are all one in the same. Honoring the Divine Light within another is honoring the Divine Light within thyself. ~Namaste



This is my place of worship…at the end of my bed I will pull out my meditation mat and take a moment to sit in silence. Many people feel guilt and shame for not going to a specific place like church or temple ..Most will try to make up for it by going on holidays and begging for forgiveness. Those "places" are a great way to be apart of a community that all practice the same belief and I love love love the way I feel after attending the Spiritual Center in Morristown… but the Spirits are always with us…always protecting us…without any expectations. Release the guilt and remember that you do not need to be in an actual establishment to pray. God/the Universe/the Divine Essence is within you and is always listening….