"Walk as if you're kissing the Earth with your feet"

“Walk the Earth” - Thich Nat Hahn

When we walk, like we’re rushing, we print anxiety and sorrow on the Earth. We have to walk only footprints of peace and serenity on the Earth. Be aware of the contact between your feet and the ground beneath you. Walk as if you’re kissing the Earth with your feet.

I teach this message from Thich Nat Hahn, a renowned Spiritual teacher, in my classes as a gentle reminder that we can move throughout our day with intentionality. Yoga is all about Intentionality. We must be intentional with the practice and the way we move our energy on the mat. This requires some effort and dedication. It is a mindful practice in and of itself. How do you move about your day? When you catch yourself rushing when you don’t have to…..let this be a friendly reminder to slow down.

Mindful Messages : Mental Chatter and your True Inner Voice

Anyone else have mixed messages inside the chatter of your mind? 🙌🏻 Some of these Voices can interfere with your daily life and discourage you from stepping into your truth, your dharma, your true purpose. The deeper you listen and tune in, the quieter those voices will become.....

Love this article from Daily Om about the Voices inside our heads and finding your True Inner Voice 


True Transformation

Falling spiritually and picking ourselves back up again is how we create true spiritual transformation.. Looking back at some of the beginning writings of when i was guided on this path..it is always a journey, it never ends, and no one said it’s always easy, we all must do our work. Those that come into your life are no coincidence, they are your greatest teachers, they are there to test you and keep guiding you to becoming your best (or worst) version of yourself, you choose... Someone once told me, “You can’t control Life but you can control how you respond to it”. That holds such power. Keep nourishing and feeding your soul. We are one as we are held in the invisible divine.



I am not quite sure why but I freakin love Vrksasana {Tree Pose} and migrate to this pose a lot in my own personal practice. It teaches us patience, it calms and relaxes your mind. and central nervous system, while strengthening the bones of the hips and legs. You will find on some days you are strong and stable, when other days you may be unsteady and weak. This is when you tune into the mind and source to why..One side is always different than the other too, which is always unpredictable... With practice you will find it will improve your balance and state but stay true to a still gaze {drishti} to help guide you (and keep you from falling lol). {YogiTip}

#loveblossoms #yogaeverydamnday 

#yogajunkie #naturalremedies#Vrksasana


There is no such thing as coincidences. Signs follow us everywhere along our path. There is no surprise that on my way to an incredible wellness weekend retreat there were a ton of angel #'s guiding me and where we sat to eat and play had blossoming flowers🌸 I know I'm in the right place at the right time. What are some signs that follow you? Do share!! If you haven't notice start to tune in and trust that you are always being guided...

Ps. My favorite remedy for a hangover helper at a Yoga Wine Retreat (So divinely created!) ☺️ None other than the most yummiest shakes on earth (in a wine glass of course- bah)! No seriously, what better than to totally nourish your body than with a delicious protein boost in front of a gorg mandala tray!

#loveblossoms #angelsigns #wellnessweekend 

HAD SO MUCH FUN @inn_at_laurita #magicmoments

 #yogawineretreat #blessed #soulcupfilled


Upside down is right side up!😜

Embracing these beautiful views...

Peaceful adventures. Sometimes you just need to connect to the source, nature allows us to tune in...So blessed for filling my soul cup @inn_at_laurita


It's that time of year..pumpkin spice everything..cozy socks with a warm cup of apple cider..piles of leaves to play in! But be forewarned..this also the season for scattered minds, relentless anxious thoughts, and endless creativity! Vata season has arrived...but don't worry here are some preventive tips to keep you grounded while your beautiful chaotic mind runs a mock 😂🙈🎃🙌🏻🍁🍂🍃

Great article on how to pacify Vata-I especially love the eo recommendations that I will totally be diffusing on the reg😜

#ayurveda #tistheseason #vata #tamethemind 

#balanceddoshas #tipoftheday#wellnesswednesday

 #spiritjunkie #yogaeverydamnday #loveblossoms