Thought of the Day….

Sometimes we take for granted how simple and easy our lives are. There are still so many people that struggle throughout their day, some more than others, and sometimes we must take a moment to think about the hardships our ancestors had experienced to sincerely understand struggle, courage, and overcoming to fulfill our dreams. They had to FIGHT for their freedom. Imagine each day living Life in fear, darkness, and despair? Imagine not having a say in what you wanted and not being able to express your true nature? Whether you are Jewish or not, it is important to value the capabilities of human and admire this amazing Life lesson...As our family celebrates this day, we sit in gratitude for the Jews that filled the World with Light in a dark time when there were wicked decrees against the Jews. But the Maccabees had courage and never lost hope. Sacrifice turned the darkness into light! Always shine your light bright in gratitude and give thanks, regardless of your religion, age, race, ethnicity..we are all one held in the invisible Divine. 


