Just like our car needs gas to run or our bodies need oxygen to live..Encouragement is the source in our mind that gives us, and others, that motivation to strive for more, do more, see more, learn more, be more! Ever get that feeling at a game when everyone is cheering and you get goosebumps? Encouragement. Motivation. Inspiration. It’s powerful stuff! If you don’t feel like you are you’re BEST you…MAKE THE CHANGE...it all starts with your MIND.



Exercise is important in all forms. Most importantly we must always make time to exercise our Spirit.

<<ADD YOUR GRATITUDE IN COMMENTS BELOW>> Share something you are grateful for…We are all grateful for family and good friends but I want you to really think of something that is off the top of your head, good and simple in your Life, that you may take for granted yet you now realize how amazing it truly is.

Mine is my backyard. It’s beauty throughout all the seasons and all the memories I have made playing with my family, doing yoga, hiking, meditating, fire pits, all the adventure, gardening, watching my dog run around happily, all the parties we had…I am grateful for my backyard, which essentially is gods greatest gift…Being One with Nature:) 

Your turn!!! :)



Centering thought for today:

"My inner vision wisely guides my actions"

Intuition comes alive when we listen deeply. Today sit in the stillness and quietly listen. Awaken and invite a powerful shift into your life…Whether it be for more peace, happiness, gratitude, patience, health, wealth, or love. Confusion begins to clear when we can see where we are going and discover our true purpose. It iseasier to make decisions when we have a comprehensive vision and goal—positive affirmations help us to envision our dreams. We must trust ourselves and the Universe. In meditation today align yourself with this ever-present source, lighting your path each step of the way…..

(inspired by Deepak Chopra)
When we meditate, we begin to still the mind. As we get more and more adept at moving into inner silence, we come to know the peace of God in our entire being. We intuitively seek union with our generating Source. Silence, or meditation, is the path to that center. We can make conscious contact with God, transcend the limitations of a dichotomous world, and regain the power that is only available to us when we’re connected to the Source. This is what I call getting in the gap. It’s where we create, manifest, heal, live, and perform at a miraculous level. The gap is the powerful silence we can access through meditation. By entering the elusive gap between our thoughts, we can access the stillness that may have been unattainable in other meditation attempts.
— Wayne Dyer


Who is up for the challenge? I have not missed one of Deepak's Meditation Challenges yet to date and let me tell you why….every single one has given me motivation to reflect on my quest to find that inner silence, be one with the Universal Divine, and to take some quality time to relax and reduce stress while being guided by one of the most incredible being here on Earth. I highly recommend you indulge in these incredible meditations with me and millions of others all around the world. Manifestation at its finest and its FREE!!!!

stay tuned for upcoming meditations! https://chopracentermeditation.com

Here are some of my favorite Guided Meditations from some of his challenges...






Here is an fascinating article from the Chopra Center explaining how meditation can help boost your immune system…






Nama means bow, as means I, and te means you. 
Therefore, namaste literally means “bow me you” or “I bow to you.”

The gesture Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. 
The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another.


If you truly think about it, we are all comprised of the same makeup as our vast Universe, atoms and molecules. We all share the same form. We, therefore, are all ONE held in the Divine. Although it can appear that are all so different, when broken down into our simplest form, we are all one in the same. Honoring the Divine Light within another is honoring the Divine Light within thyself. ~Namaste


Are you seeking change? Looking to reduce stress? Feel more balanced? As within, so without… take time to focus on your breath...




"Mindful awareness can be defined as paying attention to present moment experiences with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to be with what is. It is an excellent antidote to the stresses of modern times. It invites us to stop, breathe, observe, and connect with one's inner experience."

~UCLA HEALTH mindful awareness research center


Here are some free relaxing guided meditations

brought to you from ucla health :)
