Power Thought of the Day….
I Turn Every Experience into an Opportunity.
Each problem has a solution. All experiences are opportunities for me to learn and grow. I am safe.
~Louise Hay
Mindful Messages
Create a Balanced lifestyle among the beautiful chaos of Life
I Turn Every Experience into an Opportunity.
Each problem has a solution. All experiences are opportunities for me to learn and grow. I am safe.
~Louise Hay
It's the most natural, in-tune, balanced, peaceful, godly state to be in…Yoga is my drug. For those of you who know my past, I have experimented and dabbled in things I shouldn't have, I attacked my body instead of honoring it, I thought that drugs would help me eliminate my negative thoughts and mask my sadness, to live an illusion, to reach a "higher" state of being (literally). I went down a dark path, I had to cleanse myself of those that no longer served me while I healed myself through yoga and meditation. I am so grateful that my past has led me to a healthier, cleaner, more peaceful sanctuary of awareness and flow, listening to my mind, body, and soul without anything to inhibit my grow and potential. Finding my ultimate high…from within.
I open up my heart to the Universe and all the good that is to come into my Life. I release any negative thoughts and doubts that no longer serve me. I am one with the invisible Divine.
This very moment I was soaking up the Vermont sun and embracing the last day of an unforgettable incredible vacation. What made it so amazing? It was the simple Life. Being one with nature, being off the grid (literally no service in my cabin), no worries about anything, Roll out of bed to the fresh air! I especially took time to listen to my spirit guiding me while I spent most of my time on the water or my bare feet on the grass. We all need moments like this, never take for granted the simple gifts life offers.
Kayaking is my new favorite form of working meditation, going on my vision board for one in my backyard next summer! lol
Always remember to soak up the sun and take time to reflect. What are your happy moments?
Laughter is the BEST medicine so I give you permission to GET YOUR LAUGH ON! :) #getyourlaughon #laughteristhebestmedicine #laughtertherapy #sillyyogis
Sometimes our minds can tell us things we don't want to here..like "I can't"..or "I'm not good enough"…Clear your mind of the negativity and allow for only good thoughts to filter through…Science has proven that what you want to attract is from deep within your subconscious mind. So focusing on the bad will only create more chaos and negativity. The more you remind yourself of all the good is in your life…you can make room for all the good that is about to come. So shut out all the unnecessary thoughts and bow to your heart in gratitude for being you. We were all brought here in this body for a purpose so honor your talents and skills and embrace them passionately. Remember we are only human, we make mistakes and heal, which only makes us stronger, just make sure there is always make room for growth to become the best you possible.